Chiara Barattieri di San Pietro


Chiara holds a BA in Foreign Languages (English and Russian, State University of Verona) and a MA in Liguistics (University of Siena, 2006, with honour). Her research interests focused on language acquisition (L2) and grammar theory (Italian Sign Language). In 2013 she got a Specialization Diploma in Specialistic Terminology (Università Cattolica, Milan).

Chiara has collaborated to a number of European projects in the field of neuroscience, neurology, psychiatry, ICT, and grid computing, mainly contributing to the work in the projects' Communication and Networking Areas.

As team member for Ab.acus in the DiDIY project, she will collect information on the impact of DiDIY on education and research.

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Role in the DiDIY Project

Work Package 4, Analysing how DiDIY is reshaping education and research.

She cooperates on all the other DiDIY work packages.
