WARNING: this page is part of a full, STATIC copy of the official website of the DiDIY Project, that ended in June 2017. Please read the note attached to the File Index to know more.

DiDIY and Education

The 3Ducation project

  • Posted on: 28 January 2016
  • By: Anonymous (not verified)

This project was conducted in two schools by the P2P Lab (a research hub focusing on open source technology and the commons) in the city of Ioannina, Greece. Students experimented with 3D design and created objects with features that would enable blind people to use them. Then using an open source 3D printer the odjects were manufactured. The designs were also made available under creative commons licenses.

Links to the blog of the project and the relevant academic article may be found on the website of the P2P Lab.


European Researchers' Night

Lab#ID (the laboratory of LIUC – Università Cattaneo focused on Radio Frequency Identification and Near Field Communication) is involved in "La Notte dei Ricercatori 2015" (European Researchers' Night)on September 26, 2015 (from 15.00 to 20.00) at Piazza Monte Grappa, Varese. Lab#ID will be there in order to give informations and leaflets on its activities and on the DiDIY project. www.meetmetonight.it http://ec.europa.eu/research/researchersnight/index_en.htm