Luca Cremona

Luca Cremona is Assistant Professor of Information Systems at the School of Industrial Engineering at LIUC University where he is in charge of research activities, technology transfer projects and teaching on topics of digital innovation within manufacturing and services industries.

Stefano Biguzzi

Biomedical engineer, is a member of Ab.Acus team as EU Researcher since March 2015. He received his B.Sc. degree in biomedical engineering from Bologna University in 2012, and his M.S. degree in biomedical engineering from Politecnico di Milano in 2014. He worked as data analyst in collaboration with the Institute of Research and Treatment of Cancer of Meldola (IRST). During his master thesis, he worked at the Neuroplasticity & Neurorehabilitation Laboratory University of Birmingham increasing his skills in software development and data analysis.

Roberto Rossi

Roberto Rossi

Roberto Rossi graduated in Communication Sciences at the Università Cattolica in Milan, Italy. Subsequently he obtained a Master Degree in International Affairs at ISPI-Università Bocconi. In 2001 he started working at OCCAM, the organization affiliated to the United Nations focused on the wise use of technologies for development.

Mara Tumiati


Mara holds a degree in Management of Public Administrations and International Institutions from the Bocconi University in Milan (Italy).

She has worked for ten years in Innovhub Stazioni Sperimentali per l’Industria, a research and innovation centre linked to the Chamber of Commerce of Milan, as European project manager with responsibilities on coordination and administration of European projects and support to companies in the participation to funded projects.

Maria Bulgheroni


Electronic engineer, Maria is Ab.Acus R&D Director since 2006. Since 1995, she was in charge of R&D management for research centres, clinical centres and private companies.

Her current expertise is in planning and management of research projects and in design and development of software applications. Her main working fields include assistive technology, biomechanics, scientific and diagnostic instrumentation management, factory automation. She is also involved in teaching activities in academic and professional environments.

Enrico d'Amico (WP4 Leader)


He is the Ab.Acus Founder and CEO, and is currently in charge of Ab.Acus strategic planning.

He has acquired relevant experience and deep knowledge of the international medical market making use of ICT.

Above all he was deeply involved in the following industrial experiences:
